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Hi! I’m Katy, and I’m a Social Media Strategist & Coach. I’m here to make your life easier when it comes to social media!

Social media is super effective – but it can also be really overwhelming and frustrating, especially if you’re trying to juggle your business, your life AND your social media.

Figuring out what content to post on each platform, how often to post, when to post, who you’re talking to, what hashtags to use, what images to use, how to be consistent AND how to generate ROI from social media is a lot of work for businesses!

I’m here to make it easier, helping you to create a simple, strategic plan that gets the results you want.

I can help by;

  • Creating a complete social media strategy for your business, so you know exactly what to do, when,
  • Auditing your social media accounts and giving you personalised tips on how to improve and where to focus,
  • Hosting a collaborative ‘power hour’ with you, to help form a clear plan on how to take your social media forward,
  • Training you on different elements of social media, from general training to focusing in on a platform or technique. My most popular trainings are Instagram, Instagram Stories, Content and LinkedIn.

I’ve worked in social media for a decade, and managed the social media strategies for companies including HSBC, Nestlé, Red Bull and Travelodge. I now work across a range of sectors from Corporate to Small Businesses and Charities. Social media is in my blood, and I’m passionate about helping businesses to use it well!

If you’d like to chat about how I can help you to meet your goals on social media, please send me a message!