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I strongly believe that every brand or business should have a social media strategy…

And that’s a hill I’ll die on.

I’m not saying you need to be present on every platform or that you need to start dancing on TikTok, but I strongly believe that your business needs to have social media firmly embedded into your overall marketing strategy in one way or another. 

You’ll be glad to know I want to help you do it. 

Having worked in a busy agency and as a freelancer, I fully understand that every business’s needs (and budget!) are completely different, so there are a number of ways I can help. There’s no one size fits all approach here at SJR Social Media.

Whether you’re doing it all yourself and need a little guidance, or you want me to take the reins to leave you free to focus on the bigger picture – I can help.

So get in touch to have a chat about how we can work together to create killer content on your socials, today.